Afro us naturals the term afro hair is to sport an Afro in the European hair industry Afro hair just determines all black hair regardless of texture. When a non black salon say that they do afro hair usually this means the cut relaxed hair. Which to me is just really thick European hair. Most salons that don't specialise in black hair as a whole are afraid of our hair texture. I have worked in many salons the thought of an Afro blowdry has sent shivers down their spine. If it's not the time then it's the fact that most stylists have know idea how to handle Afro hair in it's natural state. And this is not just European salons alot of black owned salons do not cater for natural hair. And it's bit because of lack of demand the amount of natural men and women is on the rise but when you ask a natural woman who does her hair it is usaully a family member or most likely themselves. It seems that having natural hair is a dirty word we have to shroud ourselves in secretcy join online forums and order products online. Ever wondered why there were so many natural bloggers out there? Because not many people cater for us so we have to cater for ourselves. It's a shame we can't have the luxuary of seeing a perfessional stylist in a nice salon and feeling comfortable that your hair isn't going to be straighten within an inch of it's life and then cut so when it reverts Back to natural it's lop sided and has no curl pattern. Education is key it's not hard to understand Afro hair it's just hair after all. It's a shame you can not walk into a hair salon or a black hair shop and get advice about your hair but I guess that's what the Internet is for?!?! Keep blogging ladies you are needed :0(

I will be posting a list of London based salons that I believe cater for natural hair so keep your eyes peeled :)

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