So... you could say I'm cheap. Not because I want to be. But because we are saving our money.  Which is nice... and crappy.  But when we can put 20% down on a nice home, it will totally be worth it. ANYWAY. This is my "cheap" way of organizing all my hair stuff! I had just a normal plastic pitcher and inside I threw all my clips and brushes. Then I found this old candle holder thing my mom had and I used it to hold my elastic bands... as you can see! Then the outside of the pitcher serves as my headband holder. Not to bad huh!? One day I will have a nice drawer that has a built in headband holder you find in stores. And then it will be perfect. But until then, this works juuuuust fine!!

haha, do you like my ghetto brush!?  It's like, five years old!

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