Dear readers of the yuleblog,
If you haven't noticed, there hasn't been much activity around here for a while. It seems just as I'm ready to get into a flow, a routine, a schedule that I can follow to crank out some reviews, the fates conspire and I find myself back at square one.
About a week and a half ago, the play I was involved with since the beginning of March of this year ended, leaving me with actual free time to devote to whatever I wanted.
This is also where my summer began. The house & yard needed attending, the kids were thrilled to have their daddy back, we all travelled to Chicago to take in a Cub game and some museums, and the wife needed some much deserved time with all of us and by herself.
Yesterday was the first time I sat down in front of my computer in over a week. I was planning on working here yesterday and today but the backlog of e-mails from family and friends, and the yuleblog backlog of questions and comments still need to be addressed.
Today is July 3rd and the wife, kids, and I are ready to crank it up again. Between now and next weekend, our time will be split between the lake for the annual Fourth of July festivities and Chicago (yet again) because the wife desperately wanted to see The Police in concert and ended up maxing out a credit card to get 4th row from the stage seats at (you guessed it) Wrigley Field again!
So... the rest of my day will be spent not at the computer (like I hoped). Instead, it will be washing clothes and packing for yet another week on the road.
Sometime next week, Christmas in July will officially kick off here at the yuleblog. This gives you one last chance to get those re-link requests in (concentrate on the months of July, November, and December of last year).
In the meantime, our benevolent King Of Jingaling has kicked off his "Christmas-and-a-Half" celebration by sharing a alluring, awesome album that should end some searching for many at, that madman Ernie is yet again sharing a huge amount of rare tracks for his "Christmas In July" at Ernie (not Bert), and my good friend Jeff has a CN traincar-load of albums to share at his Jeffco Productions site.
Check them out and be sure to stop back in a week or so when I finally get my "Christmas In July" celebration going (I hope)!
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