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Seasonal Shelves
I love the House of Smith's. I must have this wall when we get our own home! It's a distinct space[...]
Billy Taylor - 1921-2010
The jazz and musical world lost a great friend two days ago when Dr. Billy Taylor died at the age of[...]
Christmas CD Reparation Program in effect
Several reports across our desk have told us that CD copies of this year's Christmas CD are not work[...]
A Christmas Yuleblog Sampler - 2010
Merry Christmas!Usually at this downloading season, I would be posting new Christmas albums that I w[...]
To my family and friends:Still haven't found the playlist? First time receiving the CD?If so, click[...]
Christabel & The Jons - The Christmas Album (A TWO-FOR-ONE REVIEW)
Received an interesting package at the PO Box a few weeks ago. Inside was an advance copy of a[...]
Ben Best - Happy Christmas Party
Here's an album I downloaded on December 4, 2006 at 8:31 PM from a blog entitled Roman's Easy Listen[...]