I found this album at Beverly Records in Chicago back in March of 2006. Upon examination, I saw some deep scratches that thought would give me fits.

When I played it on the turntable, the scratches soon gave way to craters. Several tracks needed assistance and despite all my efforts, I couldn't get clean recordings of them. I featured one of the tracks ("Santa Claus Is Coming To Town") for my 2007 Yuleblog Sampler and I thought that was that.

However, eBay came to the rescue and I picked up a replacement copy there. This one was in excellent condition and I was able to get side one recorded (at long last!).

I've come to really like this album - it's just a plain piano playing Christmas tunes and August does a fine job. Here's a Liberace album for those who didn't want to be seen purchasing Liberace albums!

Jan August - Christmas Favorites

Happy listening...

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