Photography is new post this morning. Woke up on 6.00 a.m i saw the sun was rising then i toke a picture. The sun is shining so low this morning, with the cloudy sky is great for a photograph. Although my picture isn't good really (I stil learn photography a lot) but i try to make some different. Before I post it in Photobucket as image service, I've edited on Photoshop. I made some crops to improve the art of the photos. I prefer not change the color in Photoshop, I like an natural effect of this photos. And here they are some of my photos that I've been captured this morning and a few photo I've captured it a long time ago. Please enjoy...


And this is a "old" photograph I've ever captured. Because I've captured in along time ago. On the first time I doubt that this photos wasn't good enough to be posted. But now I'm sure that I was wrong. It's look pretty good I though. Please Click the Read More button to see the rest of my image.




Well, now is back to the readers to rank this photos whether it's good, great, or bad...Wish You give me some comment if you see or read this post...

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