It's blue, pink, and yellow...those color has made me inspired to a new vector design. Simply, it's reflect an habitual practise of some who really the maniac on blogging. Why blue, pink and yellow? Because I want to communicate a vivid design for the viewer who will see this design. Those color deliver an harmony sinchronization of spirit and burning desire to make the best on making something cool and awesome, especially design to reflect visual communication. I wish this design will inspire all the people who have seen this one. An inspirations to blow up her/his mind to be creative and inovative, started from blogging absolutely.

This design may be can reflect me too. Since a few week ago, my mind was undercontroled to making some new design to be posted on my blog. I spend my free time to make some ideas in design. Actually, I've found an portfolio website, that was so simple with the pink and white color.
I was so interested with how they made its site. So, I've just inspired to make some design that related to it. Then my mind was begin to thinking...what's kind of design would I will make for this Idea..Finally, without any long thinking anymore I've decided to create an visual communication design which describe my habitual since a few week ago.
This design is emphazise a simple shape with a meaningful visual communications. The ornaments, some of them was taken from my previous design. I just add some picture that I've got from Crestock, and add some color effects to the picture on Photoshop to give an harmony color of design.
And I've fresh and great news for you, since I've made this design, I decided to make a tutorial how to make this design. From begining until it finish...So stay tune...