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A few days later I've captured some photos on my college in Udayana University. Well, it's a surprise that I've found some good moment to be captured. And here you some. In this Photography collection, I want to show you a critical moment on life, it's about the hardwork, fear, and confidence.
On this photo is showing a confidence on ourselves. It's showing that you have to look up to your own to find out your confidence. If you believe yourself, you will...have a confidence then you can control it to make yourself better.

Everyone have a fear in their own. It's different depend on the person. On this photo, it's showing a girl who afraid when the ball was coming to her head. She tried to eschew herself from the ball. If we're not confidence, it will make we afraid and fall down when something bad was come. So we have to be ready to all the possibility, with the courage and confidence.

Do you see the two little chick was trying to fly to the higher place? When I was captured this photo these two little chick was trying to escape from me. They running out to follow their mother. Do you know, that they have an hardwork which flying from lower ground. They keep trying to fly and reach their destination. That was a hardwork, can you imagine and think on your mind, these two little chick has a confidence with no fear in their mind. They focus on their destination. They just believe that they can reach what they want...

So, I hope we can learn so much with these inspiration moment which captured on a photo. Keep your confidence, braveness, and hardwork....

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