Nowadays, there are so many clothing companies spread up on Bali. Most of them provide great clothing design. But sometimes, their design was a plagiarism. Although it's not reach 90% the same with the original, but it standing a plagiarism. Now, I have a new cloth design with 100% no plagiarism. This design is belong to the Avicena Competition's Crew. They need uniform clothing, so I try to made with only 2 colors and minimalist design. Why so simple? Yeah because of economic purpose. This simple design need lower cost than I make it with lot of colors and ornaments.
First, this cloth design was designed to be 2 part, front side and back side. But, the clothing company which provide for the printing process has told me to make it just on one side, on the front only. So, I've roll my mind to find a problem solving. Finally, I mix the front and back side into one pieces with green and orange's color.
Hardwork, dedication, and courage are the deep words that describe our crew. Well, to accomplish this competition, me and my friends has working hard. We have to search some sponsor to getting a financial support, spreading the information to the all Senior High School in Bali and Lombok, and preparing all the things to succed this big event. Actually, we have been got some sponsor, which Telkomsel as a Mobile Phone GSM provider being the main sponsor. Beside that there also OIK clothing company, Phoenix Radio Bali, and some others.
This design was made by using Adobe Illustrator CS3, anf the font I've used Quartz and Kravits which can be downloaded from here. Just Enjoy it......