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Designing with Photoshop is never die. I've found my mood again to explore a brand new design. Actually this design was belong to my cousin. He has designed it first, but stuck because of no idea on his mind. SO. I decided to remake it, and of course adding a lot of ornaments. May be it's looks to crowded with many ornaments around tha main photo. But it's okay, my mind doesn't think well when I do this. So I'll repair it when I have a new Idea.

design grunge

Well, making a design is not as easy as cooking a fried rice. Sometimes, what we have done was not satisfied enough for us. We need to explore and explore, searching new idea to build it up and make it better. This design was the example. It's looks so fully loaded with many ornaments. But, this is only the beginning. From this point and forward time by time you can appreciate it, if it's good or need a 'reparation'. Here is the old design that was made by my cousin, before I've repaired it.

design grunge

Actually, most of designers spend their time to this point. The great and awesome design doesn't come from one time making step. It need a lot of time, we have to find the real shape, the great layout, and great typograph. We need a lot of experiment. And I'm gonna show a tips, all of your design, doesn't matter it bad, good, or great. Just save it well, don't waste it like you put your garbage on the dustbin. Sometimes, when you have another idea, or casually you are editing your old bad design, who knows you got a briliant idea to remake your design better. Or if you want, you can compile your old design to one another, and find a good compotition among it. That's all and keep working was the most important thing that you should do.....

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