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It's long time I've not making any new fresh design by my self. And on this post I wanna show you the brand new design. Fully created by using Adobe Photoshop and a little touch of Adobe Illustrator. I named it, "seeing your smile". Inspired from a picture that really given much idea for me.
The story is just so simple. I've fallen in love with someone who a bit hate me..then I present it as a man which his face covered by a bloody like brush effect. Why Bloody? Because I found that, it's so hard to me to approaching that girl, and make her falling in love with me. It only there in my deep of imagination, it's only a dream to be her boy friend.

So, how do I made this design? Actually I just make a layouts combination of each picture that I've got. I combine some pictures as my ornaments and adding layers combinations too. Especially the typography, I used layering technique to gain the art point. On the other hands, I used some of splatter brush and some others brush. I just the simple one. Hopefully this design can inspired you too.....
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