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After having a bad moment with someone, will be there 2 possibility. First, We will fall down, or we will be stronger. This simple typographic design is presenting the second possibility. I feel stronger, more than ever when you have beat me up. Well, it's a emotional problems that come in everyone who have a problem with their girl friend.
Simply I used the rectangular and elips tool to make a "person" with a big hands over his head. On the font section, I used Quicksand font family. You can download the fonr for free, just googling to find it out.

vector graphic

In the middle of the image, I made a soft gradient color. May be some of you can't see the gradient, because of its very smooth color. Why I used gradient in the center or middle of the design? Yeah, because I want to show the focus on the center of this design. So that it will make a eye catching image on your eyes. So, that's all. See you on the next post....
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