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Today, I wanna give you a special post edition. It's about tutorial, how to make lighting effect on Adobe Photoshop. These series of tutorial was taken from Abduzeedo. I've surfing a lot of time to find a brand new tutorial. I really glad that, I've got pretty much knowledge and skill from all of this tutorial. Each step was explained so briefly and easy to understand and follow the instruction. Although it was just simple, but the tutorial's result is just more than you ever think about. Just take a look on some of the few link below. Probably you will ask, why does this post doesn't folowed by a picture that describe the link. Yeah, I just want to increase my web loading time. I've try many way to improve the loading speed, but it just still a bit slow than another blog. So, please enjoy...
  1. Magic lighting effect in photoshop

  2. Space Lighting Effects in 10 Steps

  3. Amazing Photoshop light effect in 10 Steps

  4. Stylish Light Effect in Photoshop

  5. Colorful Light Effect in Photoshop

  6. Retro light effects - Pixelmator Tutorial

  7. Really cool Eclipse Effect in Photoshop

  8. 14 Great Abstract Photoshop Brushes for Light Effects

So, these tutorial collection is about a lighting effects. What a great tutorial that I've ever seen. I really sure that if you follow the instruction well, it's not impossible to you to make a great design too. Hopefully you can do it well bro..Good Luck
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