Latest News was so late to me to update my blog. Well there was a lazy time that made me so stuck with all these damn things. Actually the idea won't come to my head, no idea to make a design or any kind of post then. Finally I've got my idea from this picture below. She's my dream, dream to be at her side forever. But it's only a dream that will never come true, because she has a boyfriend yet. What a pity of me. But don't worry, I've got the power again. Here is my design, combining a tracing vector image with some ornament. I made this design by using Illustrator and Photoshop.
Here is how I made it. The first is tracing these photo by using Illustrator. I used my own skill to trace it manually. Although the result isn't good enough, but I quite satisfied with what I've done. Well need a lot of patient and diligence skill to finish it..hoho ;-).

Yeah, here is the result, it's look alike the original photo, isn't it? The most difficult part on tracing this photo is on the face. I can't make the cheek shape perfectly on the traced vector. Well I'm still an amateur designer, it's okay. And take a look on the picture below, what do you think about?

Now, after I made the traced image, it's time to adding some ornaments and make it truly engaging. I have choose these clipped paper as the background, then I added some picture. Cut the most interesting part then paste into these canvas (I made it by using Photoshop). Actually I choose the ornament from many picture that I have. Explore all your pictures until you got the best one to be added as ornaments, and don't forget if you have any sketch design or hand drawn design, you can added it. And here is the result, what do you think about it? Please leave a comment

Okay guys, see you on the next post. Be inspired...
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