Hai fellas, I've a great tips for you. Well, may I ask you before I explain it? So, have you try any tutorial which teach you an awesome Adobe Photoshop effect? It was sound so difficult especially for you who have just learned Photoshop. But it's okay, I've found a simple way to make it much easier. All you need is search the Photoshop action button, may be googling or search it on Hongkiat.com. Just search "comic photoshop action button", then when you found it, copy it to your action button library. Open up Photoshop, with your own image indeed. Now go to the action button pallete, click on the action button that you have add. You have to wait a moment until the proccess will be done. Here is the result of mine. So just try it, it's easier then you imagine before. Enjoy it
action button
adobe photoshop
The Power of Photoshop Action Button: How to Make Comic-like Image
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