Plan a Valentine’s Day treasure hunt. When was the last time your boyfriend searched for lost gems or a buried treasure chest? A Valentine’s Day treasure hunt can be inside the house, yard, park, neighborhood, city – or even a neighboring town or city. Prepare clues that lead him from one place to another. You can have as many as 15 clues, or as few as three. The last clue could lead to your bedroom, a candlelit bathtub full of bubbles, or a hotel room you’ve booked. Prepare the “treasure chest” with candles, music, roses, and chocolate…and have fun loving your man!

K that's awesome. When I make it I'll add pictures, but I wanted to give you some ideas because the day is coming up! I'm going to cut out some cute envelopes on my cricut, and print some clues on cute valentines paper. I'll make you guys a template, and post it later, so check back. Then I'll stuff the clues in the envelopes with maybe some candy and confetti and stuff and that last clue will lead... well, you know!
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