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I found this really great idea over at All Things Heart And Home.  Have you ever had no-bake cookies?  Because they're my favorite.  They take five minutes to make, and are so scrumptious.  Oh my goodness.  Her recipe is a little bit different than mine... she's added peanut butter and butterscotch to her cookies.  I'm kind of a plain girl so here is my recipe just in case you are too!

Chocolate Rolled Oat Clusters

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
3 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 T unsweetened chocolate
pinch of salt

Combine: sugar, milk, butter and salt.  Stir and bring to a full boil for one minute.  Remove from heat and add: vanilla and chocolate.  Stir till smooth.  Add oats and mix well.  Drop by spoonfulls onto wax paper.  Let cool.

So YUMMY!  I make these almost every Sunday!  :-)  So much for my weight loss goals! ha ha!!

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