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Green is "in" this Spring and it is appearing on the nails of everyone I see, from runway models to women walking up and down the streets. Muted greens and minty greens are all the rage, but if you have picked anything that remotely resembles a fashion magazine, then you know that already.

So let's move onto something even bigger and greener this Earth Day...

Eco-friendly shopping is becoming increasingly popular and people are becoming more environmentally aware of their actions and impact on our great green planet, and so are the designers.  Designers are now creating clothing and accessories that are eco-friendly, chic and stylish.  We have finally evolved from the earthy Birkenstocks and recycled Whole Foods bags to eco-friendly leather jackets made exclusively from plastic bottles and so much more.

NY Fashion Week of 2011 saw a lot of eco-friendly elements incorporated into the designs.  Bodkin, Edun, Study By Tara St. James, and Organic by John Patrick were all featured in NYFW 2011, each with a goal of sustainability through impressive and sophisticated fashion.

Using vegetable-based dyes and organic cottons to promote sustainability, there is still a valid point to be made.  No matter how fashionable or trendy it may be, anything that we wear that is claiming to be eco-friendly or green can not be seen as a trend.  A trend comes and goes with each season, but sustainability means that our eco-friendly leather jacket can not go into the back of our closets just because that particular fashion statement is no longer trendy. 

So if you are out shopping this Earth Day, look for something eco-friendly, you may be surprised (but you better wear it more than once!!)  If you are looking for hair care, turn to Aveda, who manufactures everything with 100% wind power and has been a leader in sustainability and environmental awareness.

For more eco-friendly fashion ideas, check out Behind the Seams: The Ethical Style Blog It has some fashion forward ideas that are emerging in the market with some great finds and even a cute purse that will charge your phone without looking like its made of solar panels (even though it is!)
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