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Alright.  I have been stalking The Daybook for a long time now... who doesn't, seriously!  And I kept thinking to myself, "I really wish someone would do this whole 'take a picture of my outfit everyday' for hair.  It would be so helpful"!  I can always find cute hairstyle pictures and every now and again a really great tutorial, but I have to dig for them... and that takes time.  I have wished so badly that I could just go to someones blog and see a bunch of different pictures of how they style their hair.  Then it hit me.  It should be me!   There must be someone else out there who has done this, I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of it.  But maybe I haven't found them because this is a really lame idea... who knows?!  But I am really excited about it!  It's going to force me to actually DO my hair, instead of throwing it up in a bun everyday!  One more thing.  I'm not a model... so don't judge me. Ha ha!!  I am an aspiring photographer though, I mean who isn't that has kids?!!  So I do have fun playing around with the pictures and pretending!

The rules.  Thirty days is kind of a long time to never do your hair the same...  and I am going to do my VERY best at staying true to the challenge.  Also, hairstyles that are similar... like all the ways to pin your bangs back... well that's just cheating.  So I'll try to stay away from doing that!!  Anyway, we'll see how it goes, I have some fun things in store!!!

I would LOVE feedback and if you have any ideas you want me to try, send me the link or idea through a comment!!  And if there are any hairstyles you want me to do a video tutorial for, let me know and I would love to get some of those on here as well!!

K, that's all.  I love buh bye!



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