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Blondorexia is epidemic sweeping the country.  Every corner I turn I see fragile strands and broken ends, and it needs to stop. Not only is hair that is bleached white a bad look, but it's a disease.  Please treat your hair with kindness!

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, blondorexia is: "A condition where someone has hair dyschromia; the inability to see the true color of their hair. They will often bleach it to the point where it becomes frizzy and breaks off, and still not be satisfied. This condition often goes hand in hand with Tanorexia". -The Urban Dictionary.  Think Rock of Love girls....

CHI 44 Iron Guard Thermal Protection Spray 8.5ozBeing blonde is a lot of fun, but can be damaging to your hair especially if you are going for a big change.  If you have chocolate brown hair and are taking it light blonde, please do it slowly and gradually.  If you do, your hair will remain healthy and strong and breakage will be reduced to a minimum.  If you find that you style your hair, it is so important that you use a heat protectant and some form of leave-in conditioner.  For a heat protectant, I like to use CHI Iron Guard Spray and a great leave-in conditioner especially designed to strengthen and repair is Kerastase Resistance Ciment Thermique which is a product I absolutely live by and have noticed amazing changes in the hair to take it from overly compromised hair to healthy and strong hair.

Blondes are always searching for the perfect blonde, adding highlights and lowlights, a different toner and always refining and retouching, deciding between warm tones or ashy ones.  It is a constant battle to get the perfect blonde hair, but lets keep our Blondorexic ways down to a minimum. Your hair will thank you!
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