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Thanks AGAIN for the votes!  It goes until Saturday, so if you haven't voted yet you totally should.  I do  believe we are in the lead- but not by much!  If you get a minute go "like" Micah Folsoms Photography Facebook page, and then go to her mothers day contest album and "like" my picture. It's the first one, if you couldn't tell!! It would mean the WORLD to me if you went and voted. K, tons of love!


If you know how to dutch french braid, that'd be so pretty to!  I have tried and tried and I cannot do a dutch on myself.  I can on someone else, but I get my fingers mixed up when I try doing it on myself!  



Hair tutorial:


FINALLY.  Gees, I know I know.  I said I'd have a video up for each hair style and it's been what, three days since I've had one?  NAUGHTY!  I'm really trying for you!  Did anyone notice the order these last few days?  First my hair was curly in a headband {had just washed it}, second my hair was half up with brushed out curls... today it's a messy bun.  If it's not a disaster when I wake up tomorrow, I just might go one more day without washing it!  This is about the biggest secret ever, so don't tell just anyone.  :-)

And for those of you who don't know how to french braid.  YOU'VE GOT TO LEARN HOW!!  It is so in right now.  I have so many braided hairstyles in here and I want you to be able to benefit from all these "do's"!  Practice.  PRACTICE.  Okay?  Promise me you'll practice!  Don't worry though, I know what it's like to be frustrated with braids.  Like I said earlier, cannot for the life of me do a dutch french braid on myself.  SO frustrating!

Watching the video and seeing my french braid in the pictures and stuff- I should have pulled it out and made the braid looser.  It's really tight.  Which I am not super fond of, but I wasn't about to re-do the video and pictures!  So keep that in mind.  And also my hair is getting so long that the way I'm use to doing messy buns is sort of not working as well.  If your hair is shorter, perfect!  There are tons of tutorials for messy buns though on youtube if the way I do it doesn't work for you!  Good luck!

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