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Ahhhhh, my hair feels so good down and straight.  It's been FOREVER it seems since I've had my hair JUST down!  And someone asked if I have naturally straight hair.  That I do!  It's a little wavy though but not enough to get any good curls out of while blowing drying it!  

Last night I went to this wedding and didn't have time to wash it... probably should have.  Instead, I remembered a trick someone {can't find the comment thread or I would totally give a shout out!} shared on this blog- baby powder!  You guys, I am telling you it was AH-MAZING!  It totally absorbed the moisture and it smelled awesome!  As far as washing goes, for those who have asked... start with just one extra day from what you're already doing!  So if you're washing it every day right now, start with washing it every other day.  Your hair will stop producing as much oil and when it does, try going one day more.  When my hair gets greasy I like to use accessories, hats, anything that keeps it out of my face.  I know it's probably not the most sanitary thing in the whole world and if you can't hack it, it's okay!  Every other day though is so do able.  So if you are washing your hair everyday, shoot for every other!  You'll be amazed, I promise!!  Oh, and the reason to not wash it as much- it will be healthier on your hair.  Washing it too often strips it of it's natural oils and that's when you get dry, brittle hair.  And if you're trying to grow it out- most likely it will just keep breaking off and will take for ever.  So be nice to your hair!

And I WON the photo shoot!!  Can you guys believe that?  You totally saved me.  Thank you so much for voting and being such loyal friends!  I cannot even thank you enough- seriously!  It's going to be soooo fun!  I'll post pictures for ya!  And only TWO spots left for that deal with the sponsors.  Check out the advertising tab if you're interested.  Buy two months get the third free.... that's the deal for the next two sponsors!

Don't you worry my friends.  There is a video tutorial on how I do my bangs.  So many people have asked, I thought I'd throw in in there! Sorry it's a little long.  You can skip through whatever you want!

Have a happy Sunday!  Love ya!


Cute still huh?! ha ha
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