Latest News

I hit 600 followers! Can you believe that?  I simply cannot believe that.  In celebration, the oh so gorgeous and extremely talented Whitney Ulrich from 
{not to be confused with My Yellow Sandbox!} has kindly given me permission to offer one of my lucky followers a pair of earrings AND a ring from her etsy shop!  Lucky you!

The rules:
1) like her etsy site
2) comment below
        a- let me know you want in on the giveaway
        b- tell me how cute you think her site is
        c- and tell me how much you love me

... ha ha yeah?!  Can you handle that?!  Awe, I just love you guys so much!

Oh, and I should tell you- BOSTON STARTED WALKING!!  He is just the cutest little drunken sailor EVER.  I'll post a video of him sometime this week!  And a few followers have expressed interest in a "Make Yourself Over Monday" party.  If you want to be involved, take a picture of your gorgeous self and email it to me at  It should be a hairstyle you have learned from the 30 day challenge, or one you came up with all by yourself, or just a really super cute hairstyle you love sporting around!  I will be collecting photos until Saturday at 12 noon.  Then on Monday I'll post all the pictures I get and hopefully, if I'm smart enough, a back link to your site!  So email me a picture and the site you want it linked up with.  

K have a wonderful day my lovelies!






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