REMEMBER. Email me your hair picture!! If I don't get enough photos, I'm not going to do it. Which will be sad. Because I've gotten some really really cute ones, you fantastic women you! And the giveaway ends Saturday at noon!
I would like some Micah Folsom Photography please!

I would like some Micah Folsom Photography please!
ROAR. My hair is so wild and crazy in this picture it's crackin' me up!
Okay. So do you love the pictures or what? Well remember the photo shoot you guys helped me win? Yeah, these are some of those! It was at the end of a long day. I'm so surprised I'm not a complete mess! And isn't Micah amazing? I'm totally in love with her style of photography. Go check her stuff out here. She just had a baby six weeks ago. SIX weeks ago! I was like DUDE. Get back in bed! I had a C-section with Boston, so at six weeks I was still trying to walk! Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT bad. But still. She's moving to Oklahoma soon, so any of you readers from there- keep her in mind. She's awesome.
This video- PAIN IN MY BUTT!!! It was really long. And boring. So I edited it a bit and put some music to it. Then youtube said the music was copy-written. BLAH. So I had to start over. You guys better enjoy this! I've shortened it a lot, but the original video was 15 minutes. Not bad huh?!
A few things to keep in mind:
1. It's all in the wrist
2. Don't be perfect with it. It looks better messy and tangled
3. Hairspray and rat. That's the key to the volume people
5. Around the face- curl your hair AWAY from your face. You want to switch the direction every now and again so that the curls don't stick together. But around the face- curl it AWAY.
5. Around the face- curl your hair AWAY from your face. You want to switch the direction every now and again so that the curls don't stick together. But around the face- curl it AWAY.