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Has anyone here read the new teen novel "Watched"?  It's a murder mystery.  A really really addictive murder mystery.

Today we're having a blog party.  That's right.  Ever heard of a blog party?  Well I'm pretty new to the idea too!  This is basically what's goin' down.  There are 14 blogs participating in this "blog party".  Each one is offering some type of giveaway.  So essentially, you could win 14 prizes!  Well, really 15 because the author of "Watched" is giving away a $25.00 gift card to Amazon!!  Yay for that!  It's a great way to learn of new blogs, win some fun stuff and help this amazing little murder mystery fly offfff the shelves!  Because seriously it's oh so gooooood!!

Entering for the giveaways start today and end Friday, June 24th.  Here are the rules and the blogs participating:

1.  Rachelle Writes.  Follow and leave a comment.  Then follow Cindy M. Hogan (author) and leave a comment about Rachelle's blog.  Remember.  1 entry goes into Rachelle's contest and one goes into the authors- the $25.00 gift card!  You must do both to enter either!  

2.  A Writer's Reality.  Follow and leave a comment.  Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Melissa's blog.

3.   Day Dreamer.  Follow and leave a comment.  Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Christine's blog.

4.  The Queen of the Clan.  Follow and leave a comment.  Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Danyelle's blog.

5.   Jordan McCollum.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Jordan's blog.

6.  The Crazy Daze of Motherhood.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Jane's blog.

7.  I am a Pistachio.  Follow and leave a comment.  Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Rebecca's blog.

8.   Chasing Dreams.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Tamara's blog.

9.  Ramblings of a Random Writer.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Betsy's blog.

10.  Matthew Tandy-The Working Writer.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Matthew's blog.

11 Weaving a Tale or Two.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Donna's blog.

12. Tristi Pinkston, LDS Author.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Tristi's blog.

13. My Yellow Sandbox.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about Abby's blog.

14. Watched.  Follow and leave a comment. Then follow Cindy's and leave a comment about that blog.

ENTER ALL 14 contests and you get an extra 5 entries into the Amazon gift card giveaway!!!  That's 19 entries!  PLUS  If you buy Watched here or here (ebook), you'll get an extra SIX entires!  That's um... {counting on my fingers} 25 total entries! Pretty sweet eh?!  To get those six entries, send Cindy a copy of your order confirmation.  Cindymhogan {@} yahoo {.} com

So Abby, what are you giving away?  Well sillies.  I thought you might ask!  

BAM.  That's right!  You get a free copy of my ebook when it comes out!  So that's pretty sssswweeet!!

Okay was that too much talking?  I'm sorry.  It was a lot of talking.  I'll let you go.  Have fun with this little "blog partay"!  Winner for my giveaway will be announced June 25th and winners for Cindy's Amazon gift card will be announced June 28th!!

Okay love you buh bye!

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