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"first off i want to say thank you for displaying such insprational and beautiful images of natural hair. im am currently transitioning to natual hair for the second time and your websit gves me hope everyday. Now on another note i am in desperate needof fashion tips. i just recently turned 18 and i feel that my old tshirt jean and sneakers stlye needs to change. but the problem is i dont know where to start and im on a budget. i want my style to be edgy classy young and chic but i dont know how to achieve that lol. i would greatly appreciate it if you would give me some tips and tricks to help me get started. TIA"

well just call me gok!! lol
first off find your self a fashion muse! everyone has one even if they wish not to admit it it can be more than one person dead or alive! 
to have a muse is to be inspired by this person but not copy them!!! take a look at the way they put outfits together and take influences from them
*belles muses rhianna, mel and kim, Genevieve jones, grace jones( @ present)
18 is a great age ooooooo to be 18 again!! you can pretty much wear what ever you want and follow all the trends.
(not all at once!) 
your a woman now but you ain't grown! so keep outfits age appropriate (amber rose should not be your muse!!!)
and don't be too keen to leave your childhood behind if you like wearing sneakers (trainers) and tee's keep wearing them they are who you are! don't change just adapt you style.
money! we are not all socialites and cheap is chic!! when i was 18 i had no god damn money but i still made it work!
save up for your key pieces to take you through the year at christmas ask for a pair of dark denim jeans a cashmere cardigan, good quality pumps and and a pair of boots these basics will last the whole year and you can add cheaper items to the mix throughout the year! (pleeeease daddy can i have a birken bag for xmas!a birk-what?)
when cash is low hit markets, thrift stores, and the highstreet! most trends rehash old styles so raid your mothers closet.

don't be a sheep! march to the beat of your own drum! pay attention to the details! 

keep it young and sassy! soon you will be old! so make the most of it!! lol

super model chanel iman aways looks great.......

chanel iman summer styleFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

chanel iman summer style by naturalbelle featuring Forever21
for prices click on the images****
chanel iman's look is very girly and feminine with a rock chic edge, she always looks young and fun. 

day and nightFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

day and night by naturalbelle featuring Forever21

day look: love this uniqlo disney tee and conical heels are sturdy for being out and about
night look: jumpsuits are a must for a night out! if you fall over no one can see your underwear!

school daysFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

school days by naturalbelle featuring H&M

school during summer: ballet pumps are you friend! they are chic and will never be outdated
H&M shorts from there festival range are great they are baggy so they are not too sexy!
channeling carrie bradshaw with a jadore dior tshirt! save money and get it printed yourself!

festival floralsFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

festival florals by naturalbelle featuring TopShop

topshop and forever 21: stripes are the new black! update your classics with some cheap and cheerful finds from your local highstreet!


all outfits styled by belle @****
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