Latest News

The end has finally come.  I feel like there should be fireworks or something!!  Can you believe it's over?  I'm actually sad about it!  If you've loved following along, I would LOOOOVE if you would follow my blog!  It's eeasy peeasy.  Just click that button over there to your left!  It'll be your way of thanking me for all my hard work!  :-)  Plus, you don't want to miss out on whats to come!

With the last day here, we MUST welcome in one of my most favorite crafting sites.  Lovely Crafty Home.  You've heard of it, I'm sure.  Rachael is a DOLL you guys.  She is absolutely fantastic.  She has all these amazing tutorials on everything from home decor and home improvement to furniture help and entertaining ideas!  This hanging wall planter made out of burlap, AH it's to die for.  What a perfect activity to ring in the summer!  Anyway, check her out here.  And find out about the awesome competition she's in, here!  You'll die, it's so fabulous!

So I have saved my most favorite hair style for last.  I know I always say, "this is my go-to hairstyle".  But ladies, this really is my go-to hairstyle.  This hairstyle is safe for me because it gets the hair mostly out of my face, my hair can be dirty or clean, and I know that it will always work.  Sometimes a style won't work if you're having a bad hair day, or if your hair is too clean or dirty!  But this one.  It works.  Every time.  And I love it.  And I hope you guys love it too!!







Do you love it?!!  You should see what it looks like with the hair curled!

There has been interest in an Ebook.  And for those of you who don't know, an ebook is a digital book!  It would be a book you would download and print off at home.  I started compiling it yesterday.  I hope to have it out relatively soon, but keep in mind I have to go all the way back to style one and instead of taking video, I now need to take pictures of the step by step instructions!  So be patient my friends!  It won't be exactly free, probably somewhere around ten bucks.  And it will have a bunch of shorter styles in it, and a few bonus hairstyles!  And I would hope that you've loved the 30 hairstyles so much you'll know you just can't live without it!  But don't worry, you'll always have the videos I made for you!

Speaking of which!


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