YO YO!  Sorry this week has been all business and no play.  Except for yesterday and the awesome giveaway!  I am getting ready for the ebook to come out!! YAY!!  I will let you in on a little secret.  That's right.  I have a release date.  It's unofficial so it COULD change but it most likely won't.  Are you ready?!

AUGUST 23rd! YAAAAAAAY.  I am so FREAKING EXCITED about this.  And I don't EVER use the F word :-)  So mark your calendars people!

Here's the deal.  I'm on the hunt for awesome sponsors.  With the release of the ebook and blog hits nearing 30,000 per day (27,000 hits yesterday) you Etsy shop owners are going to want to listen up!  I am offering %25 off advertising prices until August 17th.  That's one week from today!  I'd love to get your ad/button up on my blog before the ebook comes out and things start gettin' CRAZY in here!

My Current Stats:

694,786 page hits for the month of August 2011
22,412+ page hits PER DAY
1,799 blog followers- 1,740 of them since MAY!
951 Facebook Fans

What's Available:



- Large ads will be at the top of the sponsor list
- Features an individual post and giveaway
- Facebook and Twitter mentions



- Medium ads follow large ads in the sponsor list
- Features an individual post and giveaway
- Facebook and Twitter mentions



- Small ads follow medium ads in sponsor list
- Features an individual post and giveaway
- Facebook and Twitter mentions

If you need a button feel free to let me know and I can surely set you up with one!

All of the billing is processed through paypal and must be received and approved before your product or shop is featured on the blog. 

If you are interested in sponsoring My Yellow Sandbox or have any other questions please feel free to email me at myyellowsandbox@gmail.com

Giveaways at My Yellow Sandbox:
- Giveaways are a great way to get your product seen
- It must be something that my readers will enjoy
- You do not have to be a sponsor of My Yellow Sandbox
- The product must be worth at least $25.00
- Free shipping to the winner of the giveaway
- Oh yeah, I get the same treat as my readers! :-)

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