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Thanks to everyone who participated in the Ciara Richardson Photography photo shoot giveaway.  Wasn't it awesome?!  The lucky Lauren Bagley won!

Check this video out.  I was on the floor laughing for like, five minutes!  Literally, there are still tears on my face from laughing so hard!  Check it out and let this little monster brighten your day!  Oh my gosh.  HILARIOUS!


I am not even kidding you, my little girl ______ will have this bed!  Her grandpa is even figuring out the floor plan for her- cute huh?!  Maybe we should start with an infant room first?!!
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I'm usually more of a color person, but for some reason this bedroom is calling me.  In all its white glory!
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I love this idea.  Boston is now getting into my makeup drawers.  And he's painting our walls with my nice expensive brushes.  I think it's time for a change!
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When I saw this I could not stop laughing!  This is seriously something I would do!
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I thought this was a great idea.  Obviously for the future for me!  But these are road trip clips.  One clip for each kid.  If they are sweet, the clip stays up.  If they are naughty the clip comes down.  Everyone with a clip on the visor gets a treat at the next stop!  Great idea huh?!  Car rides are the worst.  I will totally be buying my kids off with candy!
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This is kind of what my makeup drawer looks like.  Only I have a lot less!  Great idea though, I HATE rummaging through my makeup bag when out of town.  It takes me so much longer to do my makeup!
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Do you know how much I love fall?  Because I do.  I love it so much!
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I'm also in love with this little girls room.  I think there needs to be more color though...
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Oh yeah, and this one too ha ha
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Alright, I'm starving so I'm gonna go make some lunch.  Hope you enjoyed!  Be back tomorrow for an AWESOME giveaway!


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