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Have you ever had a nagging feeling that you needed to DO something?
But it seemed so hard, you just didn't think you could...
I'm Ashley and I created The Shine Project to change the world.
Ya, I said it! I want to change the world. Given the challenge, I know I can't do it alone, but I know that it needs to be done. One person at a time.
I created The Shine Project to motivate people to go after their dreams, while serving others around them.


I make these necklaces so we can have a daily reminder to SHINE. $1 from each necklace goes into the SHINE Scholarship Fund which will be given to an inner city school student in January 2012.
This brings us to my next project. The project that requires a lot more help than I can give. In October of this year, I am throwing a HUGE fundraising event. It's a silent auction sponsored by San Tan Ford, and all proceeds will be going to the scholarship fund. If you have any items that you would be willing to donate, you can email me at


I also have a campaign called CHANGE for CHANGE jars! Throw your leftover change for the next three months in a CHANGE jar, and send the money to the fund in October. My goal is to get 100 people to pledge to raise $100 by October... That's $10,000! Imagine how many lives will be affected by that. If you would like to start your own CHANGE jar, or pledge, please email me... You can find more details on my blog as well.
I have a quote that hangs above my desk by Winston Church Hill... "Never, never, never give up." Come join me and others who are fighting to make a little difference in this crazy world.
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