Can you believe the ULTIMATE HAIRSTYLE HANDBOOK comes out in five days?  Lame name?  Haha I couldn't think of anything else!  I've got a few hours left on making it look super purty and then it's off to get its copyright and I'm off to get a PayPal button!
Super exciting.

This book has taken hours.  And hours and hours.  And had I known it was going to be this time consuming I probably wouldn't have done it!  Lucky for you though, I didn't know!  So make sure to tell all your friends and neighbors and co-workers how awesome the hairstyles are and how cheap the book is going to be.  It's absolutely fabulous!  If I do say so myself!!

Now for an ebook giveaway.  There will be FOUR winners.  That's right.  Four.  Because I love you!  And I want you all to be so super excited!  There are TEN new hairstyles! And a few of them are my very new most favorite creations ever!!  There are also a few little girl hairstyles!  That is over 40 hairstyles.  All in one organized little book that you'll wonder how you ever lived without!!


 To win:

1- You must "like" My Yellow Sandbox's Facebook page

2- Write on your wall expressing how excited you are about the Hairstyle Handbook!  ex. "I just entered the Hairstyle Handbook giveaway over at @My Yellow Sandbox, I hope I win!!" (ATTENTION: Make sure you tag My Yellow Sandbox in the post.  You must first like the page and then when you are ready to tag My Yellow Sandbox type @My Yellow and while you are typing the name, facebook should give you the opportunity to scroll down and choose the page to insert in your post).

3- Comment on my blog, letting me know how much you love the hairstyles!

You guys have been the nicest little followers and friends a girl could have!  Thank you for all the sweet emails and comments you've left me.  It makes all these late nights worth it.  And I'm sorry for not being the most creative blogger lately!  It's sort of just been Pinterest Loves and Giveaway posts- which have been awesome, don't get me wrong!  But I'm sorry I've been just a tad boring.  I've been busy!!

YAY FOR THE EBOOK!!  Hope you love it just as much as me!

Next item of business.  A winner for the Scrumptious Creations Giveaway must be announced!  MMMM.... I want brownies again for some reason!

And the lucky machine says.....

Kesley Elizabeth who said:

Shoot me an email girl and I'll get ya hooked up!!

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