Latest News

ETSY SHOP OWNERS.  I have got a SWEET deal coming your way.  I'm fixing up my sponsor space and it's going to look fabulous.  In fact.  I'm in the process of giving my entire blog a HUGE facelift.  Oh it's so exciting, I cannot even wait!  Sometime this week I'll get the deal up.  I've been working hard on that Ebook.  It should be out in two weeks.  Fingers crossed.  I'll know for sure by the end of the week.  Oh oh and I have another deal for you from my hairdresser! YAY!!!  So be excited about that.

It's time to announce the Bits of Blossoms giveaway winner!  How in the world did I just find out about this awesome random generator? The results are in and it looks like the winner is....

Taryn, who said:

Congrats cute girl!  Shoot me an email and I'll get ya set up!  Be excited for tomorrow because we've got another awesome giveaway!!

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