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Let's give a huge thank you to Good Frau for hosting this awesome giveaway!  Emily is offering 10% off to those of you who did not win by using the coupon code "YELLOW" at checkout!  Not valid on printing. 

If you haven't yet seen Good Frau's personalized paper products, please go check her out.  She is AMAZING!


31 blog entries.  1 comment on FB due to blogger issues.  1 out of 32 and guess who wins?!

ALISSA HANSEN!!! doesn't lie.  Which is why it's so crazy that Alissa happens to be one of my best friends.  Friends never win- it's about stinkin' time!  

Speaking of Alissa, here's a little blast from the past.  My high school friends and I went on a little cruise for our Senior Trip in 2005.  Was that really six years ago?  Hooooly crap I am old!

I really hate that picture of me.  Ha ha too much teeth!  Alissa- top right corner

Thanks for stoppin' by!  See ya tomorrow!

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