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Meet Molly.  Gorgeous huh?  Mommy of THREE boys.  Respect, that's what I have for her.  Holy crap!  She is a lifestyle blogger over at A Few of My Favorite Things, which has quickly become one of my very favorite blogs.

Molly blogs about motherhood and fashion.  She has a wonderful way with words.  You'll read all about her every day life experiences {with three boys} and yes, you will be inspired.  

I couldn't help but feature this blog post she wrote yesterday.  

See how she does it?  She has this way of making you reflect on your life and appreciate all the wonderful things you have!  

Before I was a mom I did things when I wanted.  I worked out when I wanted, I showered when I wanted, I played when I wanted.  And then all of a sudden this life wasn't about ME anymore.  It was about Boston.  I can't even pee by myself these days!  Yes, it is hard.  And sometimes I think I'm going crazy.  But then you realize that this little life you are raising is bigger than yourself.   

I am living now for something BIGGER than myself.  

And there is a satisfaction in that, that no job in this world could give.  

What have you had to embrace as a mom?

Go check out Molly here, and fall in love with A Few of her Favorite Things!

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