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Hi there, all you LOVELY "My Yellow Sandbox" followers!!  My name is Kristy and I blog over at 


I was SO excited when Abby asked me to share a blog post with you that I wrote a little while back!!  I just adore her (and am SO jealous of her GORGEOUS hair)!!  ;)

When you visit me, you can expect to find a combination of ALL the things I love!!  Mommy diaries, family life, fashion, home decor, crafting, Faith, inspiration, photography ~ just to name a few!!  I'm not much of a planner, so I just blog about whatever is on my heart at the time!!  I hope you will stop by sometime!!  I LOVE to meet new friends!!

For now, I would like to share a few words with you about

As a busy mom of 2 very loud energetic kids, this is a word that sometimes seems VERY scarce!  When we think of peace, we tend to think of quietness and stillness.  We visualize sitting on a quiet beach somewhere with no plans and no worries!  For some of us, there are VERY few (if any) moments like this.  So does this mean that WE can't experience peacefulness??

A peaceful heart is not about what is going on around you. It is about what is going on inside of you!  It is about BEING the calmness in the mist of the chaos.  CHOOSING to have a soft, kind spirit, instead of a restless, anxious one.

You have CONTROL of your own peacefulness, no matter what situation you are in, simply because you have CONTROL of your own thoughts.  

When I am trying to get something done around the house, and I suddenly hear my 2 sweeties screaming at each other in the other room (which happens daily around here), I have a CHOICE of how I react.  My instinct is to run in there, in a panic to see what is going on.  So I have to CHOOSE to be calm.  CHOOSE to be peaceful in this chaos. 

 I posted this the other day....

Source: via Kristy on Pinterest

I have to say that I LOVE THIS QUOTE!!

I need to hang it up and read it EVERY morning when I get out of bed!

I think that so much of how we live and what we do is simply from habit!  We don't even think about it, we just react.

What if we all lived more from intention?  Thought before we spoke?  Thought before we reacted? Thought before we judged?  

What if we all CHOSE to have a peaceful heart?

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

As a wife and mother, we ARE "The Heart of the Home."



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