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YAAAAY!!  I loooooooove General Conference.  A day to snuggle with the family, eat a yummy breakfast and hear the uplifting and encouraging words of our wonderful leaders.

For those of you who may not know, I'm a Mormon.  My faith has shaped everything I am.  I know where I came from.  I know why I'm here, where I'm going and how to get there.  The teachings of Christ have given me purpose.  I know that there is life after death, that my family can be together forever and that Heavenly Father loves me. 

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, member of the First Presidency gave the most wonderful talk at the General Relief Society Broadcast.  

If you have 2 minutes, watch this video.

You are Not Forgotten

If anything, read that last paragraph.  It makes me cry every time I watch it.  It's hard being a mom.  It's a thankless job really.  One that demands so much physical and mental energy it's absolutely exhausting.  And then to have no one notice all the hard work you do, no pats on the back, awards, bonuses or raises.  But knowing that you are not forgotten.  That Heavenly Father sees all the sacrifices you are making, that he is proud of you and that he loves you.  It makes this whole motherhood thing totally worth it!

In leu of conference, here are some fun packets I've found floating around online for the kiddos!

From Sugar Doodle
This one, from Sugar Doodle, is a little time consuming for the momma.  But I'm pretty sure it's my favorite!

A super cute General Conference listening kit!  From a Bushel and a Peck of FUN

Church site with various activities

General Conference Kits!  Found at Brandy's Crafts

And a basket from The Family Johnson

Whew!  There are a lot to choose from!  Good luck picking and happy Conference watching!!

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