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NB:How long have you been rocking that gorgeous mane?

FH:I have been wearing my hair like this for a little over 15 years. I haven’t changed it. The only thing I go back and forth with is the length, but other than that, I have always worn the natural look. I love it crazy and wild :)
I have been natural most of my life. Growing up, my Father didn't allow my sister and I to wear a perm  I was sad then, but I'm grateful now. We weren't allow to do anything major to our hair until we graduated from high school. As soon as I graduated at the age of 15, I permed my hair. Loved it the first couple of years, and got tired right after. I went back to Natural at 18 yrs or 19 can't remember exactly. But definitely before hitting 20.

NB:If naturalbelle was to raid you bathroom what would she find?

FH:All kinds of pomade lol. From Dax, to Ultra Sheen. I also use hair mayo.
I don't use anything Glam. I have always stuck with what I grew up on. Dax and Ultra Sheen. I use regular shampoo and conditioner. Nothing fancy.

NB:What is you favorite hair style?

FH:I like big dos. The bigger the hair, the better. My husband loves my hair big, so it makes it easier to pick those curls out too. Lol

NB:Do you have any hair tips for us natural belles?

FH:If you have big hair/curls, never wear a hair net. It traps moisture and will definitely mess with your curls and stink it up. Also, though I'm lazy at times,

I always try to put my hair in braides before going to bed. I end up looking like medusa with my braid flying everywhere. Always grease your edges to avoid breakage and make sure your scalp is always greased too. Works for me. When my scalp/follicles are dry, my hair breaks easily.

NB:Your personal style is fierce!!! How do you put your outfits together?

FH:Ha! Thank you. I really appreciate your compliments and kind words. I actually don't think much of my outfit. I don't over think it..I guess.

As far as my style, I do what works for me, and that is usually based on my mood and how I'm feeling. If I feel blah in the morning, I will dress accordingly (though, to the rest of the world, it doesn't appear so.) If I'm having a bad hair day, I rock a turban or a beenie and dress around that piece. I try not to be trendy and by that, I mean...jump on every single trend. What are your favourite stores?

I'm a 70s girl. I love 70s fashion. So I'm usually trying to find pieces from that era, or lookout for stores/designers that make items similar to that era. While I tend to dabble in all styles from Couture to preppy to a basic tee and pair of jeans. Core is boho :) That said, I don't have a favorite store. I do like Zara, Planet blue, free people, and h&m

NB:Who is you fashion inspiration dead or alive?

FH:I don’t have any, but I do admire these people and their style: Alexa Chung, Sienna Miller, June Ambrose, Nicole Richie, Lenny Kravitz,, Chloe Sevigny, Rachel Zoe, Julia Sarr-Jamois, Lauryn Hill, Andre Benjamin, Kerry Washington. {My list is in no particular order, by the way}

learn more about folake on her daily style website where you can find up to date reviews of the latest catwalk shows and her own personal style also check out

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