Do what makes you happy be with who makes you smile laugh as much as you breathe love as long as you live.

Depression Quotes

Kid you'll move mountains!Today is your day!your mountain is waiting.So...get on your way!

Depression Quotes

Be who you are and say what you feel,because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Depression Quotes

"Everybody has their private world where they can be alone."

Depression Quotes

When something bad happens you have three choices you  can either let it define you,Let it destroy you,or you can let it strengthen you.

Depression Quotes

My head says,"who cares?"my heart whispers,"you do,stupid..."

Depression Quotes

You are always in my throughts...Take care and keep smiling always!

Depression Quotes

Life asked death,"Why do people love me but hate you?"death responded,"because you are a beautiful lie and i am a painful truth"

Depression Quotes

Depression is like a either win or die trying.

Depression Quotes

Falling in love is awfullt simple,but falling out of love is simply awful.

Depression Quotes

Fake friends only tell me what i wanna hear.Real friends aren't afraid to tell me what i may not wanna hear.

Depression Quotes

Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed maybe they need to run free intil they find someone just as wild to run with them.

Depression Quotes

I don't want to live.I want to love first,and live incidentally.

Depression Quotes

I am not afraid of death because i don't believe in's just getting out of one car and into another.

Depression Quotes

Sometimes,you gotta pretend every thing's okay.

Depression Quotes

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