Welcome back with the tracing design with illustrator. Now, I want to share about another technique of making a tracing design in illustrator. It was more simple than the
older post. In this case, this design just use the autotracing tools on Illustrator. So that you doesn't need to working hard with the pen tool to make a new shape base on the picture. But keep in mind that on this design is also need pen tools skills to reshape the autotraced vector's result.

The part of this photo that I've been reshape is on the nose part and the hair. I decided to reshape it, to make the tracing result more sweet to be seen...On the ornaments part, I use some circle with outer glow effects, so that the circle shape looks like shiny among the others ornament. Beside that, I use the swirl tool to make a tree-like shape. I've combine it from a pieces into a tree-like shape. Quite simple isn't it?
Talking about the font, I made it by my self using a hexagon shape. I was combine it by cutting as I need for making a font-shape.
But entirely, I didn't really like this design. The colour that I've been choose was too dark and cheerless. Don't know why I've choose this colour. Ignoring that, but I glad to post my second tracing design, although I didn't tell you about the details how I've made this design. Totally, I have lost this vector design because my laptops was stolen a month ago..all of my data include all my design in illustrator format was gone.