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May be some of you have seen this picture on my post before. Here is the revision of the design. I've redesign it for printing purpose. I want to make a poster that will be placed in my room. The design that I've made before was too small. I need a A3 printing size poster, so I make some change on that design. I've resize it to bigger size and absolutely I made a lot of transition on this. The model's photos has better look with softening skin adjustment, so all the bad spot on the earlier design has been remove and the skin become smoother.No much change i"ve made on this design. I just added some ornaments on the top part, and change some blending mode on some ornaments to gain the estetic art value. I used a simple technique to adding some ornaments. Just copy and paste, then cut the unused part of the ornaments. One of the tips is like this: first select the object/layer you want to use as the "cutter" with the magic wand or lasso tool. That object's shape will cut the others object's part that you want to delete. Then, when the cutter object is selected go to the layer pallete and choose the others object that you want to cut, and delete it. It's as that simple. This technique very useful when you cutting 2 object in a overlay position and you want to make one of them to be cutted. So that only one part of the object will be seen. That's all for a brief tips..You can ask me if you have some problems with these technique.
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