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Hey everyone, do you interested on how to use the blend feature on Illustrator? Well the blendSomeday, may be you need to make some shadowed effects object on Illustrator, but you are facing a problem that you can't make it good. When I was working with my billboard design, I've found a technique how to make a shadow-like blended object. And now I'm gonna tell you how it was made. Now I want to explain it to you. It's a simple step by step brief explanation. There's a picture on almost all of each step. Here is the tutorial.

You can blend objects to create and distribute shapes evenly between two objects. You can also blend between two open paths to create a smooth transition between objects, or you can combine blends of colors and objects to create color transitions in the shape of a particular object.

1. Create a rectangle object using rectangle tool.

2. Select the rectangle and go to effect on menubar, stylize, then choose rounded corners, set the value 25 or depend on your document size. Just make it rounded as you desired.

3. Rotate it 20 degree Counter Clock Wise.

4. Copy the rectangle object, and now you have 2 rectangle objects.

5. Select the second rectangle object, right click, choose transform, and rotate it about -23 degree rotation value.

6. Use add anchor point tool to make new node on the second rectangle, then click on 2 part as shown in the picture.

7. Select direct selection tool, and click on the bottom corner of the second rectangle, and delete it. The node that you've to delete is shown as X mark on the picture above. Then select both the edge node using direct selection tool, right click and join that node into one pieces.

8. Now select both rectangle, go to pathfinder panels, then on the shape modes section, choose 'add to shape area'. So it will make both rectangle in one part shape.

9. Then you have to copy the mixed rectangle shape into 3 pieces, keep 2 pieces on the same position and 1 other left move to right bottom side from the main position. You can see the picture as reference.

10. Select the second and third layer of mixed rectangle
shape, now go to object > blend > blend option. Set the value as shown on the picture. when you have finished set the blend value, now press Crtl+Alt+B on the keyboard. And'll see the second and third mixed shape rectangle have blended out.

11. Well, you have finished blend your object, but it's not all over. Now select the first mixed shape rectangle, give a white stroke to make a board-shadowed effect. Here I used 3 pt stroke's value.

12. Yeah. it's all finished. All you have to do on the next step is adding some ornaments to make it look sweet and cool. Here's the result.....

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