Latest News

Well, Annie is just about to open at the Centerpoint Legacy Theater in Centerville.  And we've had practices after practices, lasting till wee hours of the morning.  Okay, that's a lie.  12 am was the latest they kept us, but still!!  I'm so sorry for not posting much.  It's been a CRAZY week trying to take care of my family and meet the demands of this play!  Anyway, I'm still here.  And will be back tomorrow to tell you who won the giveaway.  And tomorrow, things should be back to normal because the play opens MONDAY!!  YAY!  If you don't have tickets, you should totally get some.  I'm in the Mon/Wed/Fri cast but am performing on the 16th and 26th instead of the 22nd and 25th!  Anyway, hope to see a few of you there!!  And talk to ya tomorrow!

Don't forget my super awesome surprise coming soon- you're going to looove it!

Here's some pictures of Boston to hold you over!! :-)

Yeah, my eyes water like crazy when I chop onions.  Goggles totally work! h aha!!

 Learning how to walk!

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