This billboard design was fully made by using Adobe Illustrator. Simply I combine my old grunge retro ornaments into the design. If you concern about some design that I have ever made, may be you can find a lot of ornament was used from the previous post. Yeah, it was time saving for me. I just add my stock ornaments and having some layouts experiment to make a good compotition on the design.
Now, let's we talk about the fonts. Here I used some of my favourite fonts such as the Klavika Light and Bold, Helvetica LT 25 Ultra Light, Pricedown, Indeal Pro 1.23, and Subway Ticker. You can easily find these font on the web by doing some googling perhaps. It's a free font, so don't worry about it. I just forget where to find these font, so it's very sorry that I can't tell you the link of the font's download address.
On the other hands, I used blend effects both to create a board effect on the top of billboard and on the "farmasi"s text to create a blow up effect. If you are keen on how do I made it, I'll show you how on my next tutorial posting. Hope it will be done soon. And you can get a lot of tutorial. So keep stay tune...