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A few days ago, I have brought the ultimate Adobe Photoshop tutorial for you. Then it's time to move to Adobe Illustrator tutorial. On these tutorial, you will be guided to make a good great design. Some of this tutorial was included with video tutorial, so you can learn easier than you have to follow each step as the common tutorial.
These tutorial collection also contain basic learning technique for Adobe Illustrator user and even the experts one. It's completely deliver to you, no matter you are amateur or expert. Here they are....

Illustrator: Golden Selection

Face, Hair, Clothing Illustrator Tutorial

Create A Blob Monster in Illustrator – The Scream

Tutorial: Transform, Style, Blend

Poster Illustration: Go Forth and Create

Pixels and Vectors Tutorial

Skull Tutorial

What do you think guys? I though this tutorial will guide you to the next level on Illustrator designing concept. It contain complex step, but finally it will gain up your skill technique much better than before. So, don't wait to long, just follow the link.
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